Independent Publisher theme is a minimalist WordPress theme developed specifically for wordsmiths, the theme uses a two-column layout, in addition to the Logo, the theme's entire design does not use an image, loading speed is very fast.
The Independent Publisher theme offers a number of layout options and a very useful sidebar widget.
- Options for two-column or one-column layout
- Does the article show the abstract or the full text
- Support for using thumbnails as article covers
- Support for subheadings (a lot of people aren't used to WordPress because of this)
- Support for customizing theme features and styles using child themes
Recommended Reasons
Independent Publisher is a very focused theme, for the target user group is very clear, is to write text-based, like a minimalist layout of the user, while the theme also provides a number of layout options for you to customize the theme, set up a unique style of blog.