Google once said to simplify the site CAPTCHA, the result of this plan is No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA, No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA uses a set of complex algorithms to determine the submission of the form visitor is a normal human being or a robot, the following chart, the entire validation process just need to click the mouse, check a "I The entire verification process only requires a click of the mouse to check the "I `m not a robot" option, compared to the previous image CAPTCHA, the user experience of this verification method is undoubtedly much more convenient. Only released a few days ago, WordPress official plugin catalog already has a No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA plugin can be used.
Plug-in Features
Today we would like to introduce you to the plugin No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA, you can directly search in the background to install. Plug-in function is very specialized, set up is also very convenient, the plug-in provides the following several custom settings options.
- Option to enable CAPTCHA for login, registration or comments
- Choose a CAPTCHA theme (light or dark)
- Automatic detection of user language
Some setting options for the plugin
Once you activate the new reCAPTCHA feature, you will see reCAPTCHA below the login box when you log in again.
The plugin is very easy to configure by pasting the Google reCAPTCHA key inside the settings.
Choose to display No Captcha reCAPTCHA on the login, registration, or comment screen.
You can then choose to force the plugin to use a certain language or have the plugin automatically detect it based on the user's language, set the text when the plugin makes an error, and choose the color scheme of the plugin.
After testing, No Captcha reCAPTCHA plugin is not compatible with Jetpack's comment module for the time being, WordPress has such a wide range of applications, I don't know if Google will release an official WordPrwess eCAPTCHA plugin, let's wait and see.