WordPress 缓存
WordPress 缓存分为可以分为静态页面缓存和对象缓存(Object Cache),缓存的数据可以保存在数据库、硬盘、Redis 或 Memcached 中,方便快速获取、来提高页面打开速度和网站性能。
We will customize and develop a set of high-quality exclusive WordPress themes for you.
Develop a brand new WordPress plugins with various functions according to your needs.
Optimize your WordPress siten many ways, Make it open in less than 1 second.
Provide you with or help you maintain a server environment optimized for WordPress.
WordPress 缓存分为可以分为静态页面缓存和对象缓存(Object Cache),缓存的数据可以保存在数据库、硬盘、Redis 或 Memcached 中,方便快速获取、来提高页面打开速度和网站性能。